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Follow-Up posted by jennifer ( on Wednesday, December 06 at 04:18 PM MST


Hello to all thank you for taking the time to read this. I am in need of a huge business loan of around $20,000,000.00 USD. what i plan on doing is building and starting a few night clubs here in the U.S.A. and expanding them over to the UK, Ireland, Europe, and Australia. I know a lot of you loan sharks out there ask for some up front charges or fees but i have a few conditions i would like. I WILL NOT PAY YOU ANYTHING UPFRONT WHAT EVER YOU NEED TO BE PAYED YOU CAN TAKE IT OUT OF MY LOAN AMOUNT. BECAUSE HERE IN AMERICA WHEN YOU GO TO GET A LOAN THEY DONT CHARGE YOU ANYTHING UPFRONT SO I WANT TO DO THINGS THE AMERICAN WAY IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE THAT THEN I GUESS YOU CAN'T HELP ME. but if you are willing and able to then i look forward to doing business with you. so in order to kind of help things along i will also pay the loan shark that helps me out 10% of all my businesses profits. well y'all take care now and have a great day.

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