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Follow-Up posted by jackson (jacksonloanlender09) on Wednesday, August 11 at 03:34 AM MDT


Hello, By way of a proper introduction, I am Mr.jackson williams(M.B) Sr. Director and CEO M.B Loan Investment. Presently I own 45% of the shares in CGP(Capita Group PLC, London) a government approved Financial Institute. We are currently setting up a scheme in form of Loan acquisition to help various individuals as well as organizations who have intentions of renovating, debt consolidation, re-financing and also establishment of business outfits. I am an international business Man and Lender that has offered Loans to so various individual and firms in Europe, Asia, Africa and other parts of the world. We give out our Loan in USD($) and GBP(£). We also provide Real Estate Loan access to Hard Money. We can fund quickly,Typically within 84 hours of receiving your application. Hard Money is available for adequately collateralized loans on single-family residential houses and other Real Property including commercial projects and private individual/home loans. The maximum loan term we can offer is 30 Years at fixed interest rate. Available Loans * Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured) * Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured) * Combination Loan * Consolidation Loan And Many More: You are expected to inform us of the exact loan amount requested so as to enable me provide you with the Loan Terms and Conditions. Please, do complete the short application form given below and i promised to help you out okay.. 1)YOUR NAME……………………………… 2)YOUR COUNTRY…………………………… 3)YOUR OCCUPATION………………………… 4)YOUR MARITAL STATUS…………………….. 5)PHONE NUMBER…………………………… 6)MONTHLY INCOME…………………………. 7)ADDRESS……………………………….. 8)PURPOSE……………………………….. 9)LOAN REQUEST…………………………… 10)TELEPHONE…………………………….. 11)LOAN DURATION………………………….Our company mailing contact box is via: Thanks for your co-operation Have a nice day and God Bless you. Warm Regard Mr jackson williams

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