HTTP/1.0 500 Buggy CGI Script Content-Type: text/html CGI-Script Error

CGI-Script Error

The CGI script you accessed is not working correctly. It didn't send any header data (possibly due to incorrect separation between the headers and the body). Please notify the author of the script of this problem.

Asking for help...

Follow-Up posted by Jenn ( on Tuesday, November 14 at 10:44 AM MST


I've been married to someone I thought was a wonderful man for two years, and with him for about four years. Immediately after we were married his attitude changed; he gradually became emotionally distant and unaffectionate. I just figured he might be stressed at work. About four months ago I became severely depressed, so much so that I was forced to go on disability from my job. When this happened, my husband took it personally, as though I has done this on purpose to avoid working or to hurt him. I have always worked during my marriage, and my job provides our benefits and life insurance. For whatever reason, my husband has become emotionally abusive towards me, and has displayed some rather violent behavior. He recently started having an affair, and is trying to force me into getting a divorce. I have asked him to seek therapy to help him with his "coping skills," but he refuses. I know that I can't help or fix him if he doesn't want to be helped. My daughter and I will have to move, but the timing couldn't be worse, as I have very little income because I haven't returned to work. I know I'll be all right eventually, but for now I'm stuck here until I can get some funds together to move. I hate to think he would do anything to hurt me physically, but his been very unpredictible. He recently threw some dishes and broke them, and naturally that concerns me. It would be great if I could move out and live safely on my own. I'd be grateful of you're able to help me with a gift or a loan. Thanks for reading this and for your consideration. Paypal ~

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