HTTP/1.0 500 Buggy CGI Script Content-Type: text/html CGI-Script Error

CGI-Script Error

The CGI script you accessed is not working correctly. It didn't send any header data (possibly due to incorrect separation between the headers and the body). Please notify the author of the script of this problem.


Follow-Up posted by kings ( on Wednesday, May 02 at 02:19 AM MDT


Dear Customer We are coorporate lenders. we give out loans to A very honest and reliable personalities. we give out my loans at low interest rate and moderate values as cheap as 5% rate. Becuase of scam we tender our qualifications if it satisfies, you can continue with the transaction, but if you are not satisfied you can go to for another lender.Try this loan and see the result.For more informations contact me via

Here is a link that might be useful: kings

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