HTTP/1.0 500 Buggy CGI Script Content-Type: text/html CGI-Script Error

CGI-Script Error

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Follow-Up posted by Mr Klin Luis ( on Monday, October 16 at 03:17 PM MDT


I am Mr Klin Luis a Private Loan Lender, not a company. I offer loans with capital base between the amount of $1,000.00 to $5,000,000.00 US Dollars to Individuals, Firms and Corperate Bodies regardless of their Marital Status, Sex, Religion, and Location,who have a legal means of repaying back the Loan at the stipulated time, AND MOST BE TRUST WORTHY. Meanwhile, you are expected to fillout the Loan Application Form below for further loan processing of this transaction. APPLICANT'S DETAILS: * Name Of Applicant: * Address: Of Applicant: * City: * State: * Country: * Gender: * Marital Status: * Age: * Social Security Number: * Income Rate: ? * Tel:/ Mobile: * Mobile: * Amount Requested: $ * Loan Duration: ?? OTHERS * Place of work: * Company Name: * Company Address: * Comapny's Contact Number: NEXT OF KID * Name: * Address: * Age/Sex: * Phone Number: * Place of work: I shall anticipate an immediate response to this email. Regards, Klin Luis. My Email is..

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